04-16-24: Scroll down for English
アメマスのベイトとなる鮭稚魚は4cm。このマッチフライで完璧にスイングさせるために、今回はシンクレートType 6のシンクティップ ラインに8番ツーハンドロッド、それとフルシンク スペイラインの7番シングルハンドを主に使用した。この両方の道具立てでそれぞれアメマスを獲ることが出来たが、今回のコンディションではシングルハンドに部があった。スイングの釣りは、目標としている距離にあるフィーディングラインさえトレース出来るのなら、フライラインは細いほどスイングの質が良くなる。フライラインが太いと総じて釣果は落ちる。また、スイング中に川のボトムの感触を取る時の手元に来る感度の良さでも、シングルハンドの強みが発揮される。
アメマスと言う魚は、心から素晴らしいと感じられる日本のネイティブ フィッシュだ。野生に満ちたこの魚は、大型になるほど畏敬の念すら感じる重厚さ、美しさ、強さを持っている。本当に大事にしなくてはならない。
The day I arrived here a heavy snowstorm hit the area, and my main goal of Spey fishing for White-spotted Sea-run Char was disturbed by the increased and heavily colored water.
Although it was river fishing, I narrowed down the conditions more than half a year in advance, such as the phase of the moon and the time of ebb and flow of the tides and went into the game. We predicted that prime time would be the evening of the third day, when the river had calmed down. The results were as expected.
The salmon fry used as bait for White-spotted Sea-run Char is 1.5 inches long. In order to get the perfect swing with the matching flies, this time I mainly used a #8 two-hand rod on a sink rate Type 6 sinktip line, and a #7 single hand rod with a full sink Spey line. I caught Sea-run Char using both settings, but the single-handed setting was more productive this time. In swing fishing, the thinner the fly line, the better the quality of the swing, as long as you can trace the feeding line at the target distance. Generally speaking, the thicker the fly line, the lower the catch. Another advantage of a single-handed rod setting is that it gives you better sensitivity when feeling the bottom of the river during the swing.
The first hit was a super strong Sea-run Char in the 29-inch range. Compared to steelhead of the same size in good condition, Sea-run Char has the same strength with stronger endurance. Next one came soon after the first one, which looked as fat as a tuna. The body length is even bigger.
White-spotted Sea-run Char is a native Japanese fish that we are proud of. It is a wild fish with a beauty and strength that even awes as it grows larger. We really have to treat them with respect.