7-16-2024: Scroll down for English
学生時代、大学に「釣魚会」と言う硬派なサークルがあって、そこの先輩の一人に長島吉孝さんと言う方がいた。長島先輩は、当時トーナメントキャスティングの最高峰、ワールドチャンピオンシップスでは日本人としては未だ前人未到の9位を達成していた。私は、フライキャスティングでは中学時代から同じ中学校の先輩であった澤田賢一郎氏に師事していたが、加えて長島先輩からはルアーとサーフキャスティングのトーナメントキャスティングを教わりつつ、ICSF認定競技会のフライとルアーキャスティングの全9種目に参戦していた。ある日、部室で長島先輩から「5年前に当時16歳のスティーブ・レイジェフがスカボローのワールドチャンピオンシップスで衝撃的なデビューを見せて以来、彼が世界を完全にリードしているよな。おまえがこれから世界を目指したいのならば、まずは彼のフォームを徹底的に追求することから始めてみろ。」と言われた。スティーブは11歳の時から、The Golden Gate Angling & Casting Clubでメル・クリーガー氏をメンターにキャスターの英才教育を受けていた。この長島先輩の言葉を機に、私は諸先輩が世界大会で8mmフィルムで記録して来たスティーブ・レイジェフのキャスティングフォームを何百回も観て研究しまくった。自分にとってスティーブは、単に憧れの域を越えて数光年先の遙かなたを走る、圧倒的な存在だった。
Hiro:「スティーブ、あなたの当時の第2種:(片手投げ距離、9.6’の15番ロッドに15m のT38シューティングヘッド)の投げ方は、今どきのFFIのキャスティング用語の定義集によるとアンダースラング・ループ投方ということになるが、その呼び方で問題ない?」
Hiro:「では聞くけど、今の“SA社のExpert DistanceのW F5番ラインに10から11番ロッド”を使うトラウトディスタンス種目。この道具立てでアンダースラング・ループ投方で行く人はいないと思うけど、今、50m前後を勝敗ラインとする世界大会で本気で勝ちを取りに行くなら、70フィート以上のはずだけど、フォルスキャストでどの長さに持って行くのが世界大会で勝つための条件となる?その時、キャスティングストロークのアーク角は何度まで広げる?またバックキャストのRSP (Rod Straight Position)はドリフトを含めずにどこに持っていく? 」
この質問に対する彼の答えは、私の想像していたものとは全く違うものだった。でも生唾を飲み込んで今一度冷静に考えてみたら、確かにExpert Distance5番で勝つための最適解であろうと思わせるものであった。直ぐに検証してみたくなった。練習方法も抜本的に変えなくてはならない。
When I was a student, there was a club called “Angling Club” at my university, and one of my seniors was Mr. Yoshitaka Nagashima, who placed 9th at the World Championships of tournament casting, a record that has yet to be broken by any Japanese. I had learned fly casting under Ken Sawada, a senior at my junior high school, and in addition, I was taught lure and surf tournament casting by Mr. Nagashima, and participated in all 9 ICSF-certified fly and lure casting tournament events. One day, in the club room, Mr. Nagashima said to me, ” Hiro, since Steve Rajeff made a sensational debut at the Scarborough World Championships five years ago at the age of 16, he has completely led the world. If you want to aim for the world, you should start by thoroughly pursuing his form.” Steve had been training as a caster since he was 11 years old, under the mentorship of Mel Krieger at The Golden Gate Angling & Casting Club. Naturally, I had studied Steve Rajeff’s casting form by seeing the 8mm film recordings hundreds of times captured by my predecessors. To me, Steve was an overwhelming presence, far beyond mere admiration, running light-years ahead.
Now, 45 years later, we have become good friends and we chase bonefish together on the flats in Hawaii. Last month, as soon as I got back to our hotel, I popped into his room to talk about casting and rod design, and I bombarded him with super-nerdy questions every day.
Hiro: “Steve, your way of casting the Event #2 : (Single Handed Distance, 9.6′, 15wt rod with 15m T38 shooting head) at that time would be described as an underslung loop style according to modern FFI casting definition. Does that term describe your style?”
Steve: “I’ve never consciously thought of it that way, but now that you mention it, it’s not incorrect.”
Hiro: “So let me ask you about the “Trout Distance Event” using 10-11 weight rod on an SA Expert Distance WF5 line. I don’t think anyone would use this set-up using the underslung loop cast, but if you’re serious about winning the world championships, where the 50 meters is the winning mark, what false-cast length should you go for to win the world championships? And how wide should the arc angle of the casting stroke be? Also, where should the RSP (Rod Straight Position) of the back cast be, not including drift?
His answer to these questions was completely different from what I had imagined. But when I swallowed my saliva and thought about it calmly once again, I realized that it was indeed the optimal solution to win with Expert Distance WF5. I have to drastically change my practice method. Fly casting is profound and there is no end to what we can learn from it.
When I was in my early 20s, after a tournament he reached out to help me out by gifting me the rod he used to win the World Championship that year. That Sage rod (He was not with G.Loomis at this point.) is still my treasure.
At the end of my barrage of questions, as we were about to go out for dinner, I said, “Steve, I recently started a casting school in Japan. I thought I would give back to Japanese fly fishers, even if just a little.” He looked me in the eye and said, ” Hiro, I want to say ‘thank you’ for that sentiment.”
The good fortune of meeting someone like him. Life is not bad. That was a moment I felt glad that I hooked up with fly fishing.