
Sea-run Brown Trout. 河原を150m追走して14分後にランディング! I ran 150 meters along the riverbank and landed in 14 minutes!
2-11-2025 Scroll down for English
そんな現状の中にも、NZの面影が残されていて、爆発的な何かが起こるかもしれない予感がある地域を私はここ数年見据えて来た。それは自分にとってはまだ未開拓の南島の北部から中部にかけてのマルボロー、北部カンタベリー、北部ウエストコースト地区だ。中にはセミとマウスフライに反応するワイルドな場所もあるようだった。 (↓に続く)
I went to New Zealand for the first time 44 years ago. At that time, as a student, it was difficult to come up with the funds for a stay of over two months, so I decided to negotiate with Air New Zealand.
“For Japanese fly fishers, most of the South Island of New Zealand remains unexplored. I plan to pioneer these areas and create a booklet introducing them under the name of Air New Zealand. Would you be willing to cover my travel expenses?”
Thankfully, the negotiation was concluded in one shot.
In an era before smartphones and Google search, I loaded my car with a tent, three bamboo rods, and a 15ft two-handed Spey rod, and set off on an exploration trip of over two months, determined not to waste a single minute on famous or unknown rivers. Sometimes I relied on local people, and sometimes I traveled deep in the mountains in a tent for several days. As long as I could find the right place, fishing was not difficult, and I was able to pick up trophy trout on my own. A 30 inches brown trout spat out a big crayfish from its mouth. Queenstown, the top resort in the South Island, faces Lake Wakatipu, and when I went around the jetty on the lake and threw breadcrumbs, dozens of rainbow trout that looked to be about 28 inches in size would always swarm around.
In New Zealand, the people are all facing the same direction when it comes to protecting the environment and nature, and they are strongly promoting it. Even in such a country as New Zealand, when I line up fragments of memories from the past 40 years in chronological order, I notice that the deterioration of nature is progressing at an alarming rate. Nowadays, Queenstown is becoming an increasingly fashionable town, but resort investments are progressing rapidly, and the sight of ‘big trout gathering around the tourist wharf’ is no longer to be seen. In the areas around Otago and southern Canterbury, where fly fishers from Japan and abroad often go, the trout have become fewer and more spooky than they used to be, and fishing has become more difficult. I hear that brown trout that eat crayfish are no longer seen.
In the midst of this current situation, I have been keeping an eye on regions that still retain traces of NZ and have the potential for something explosive to happen. For the past few years, I have been focused on the northern to central parts of the South Island, specifically Marlborough, northern Canterbury, West Coast, and Southland region. Some of these locations seem to be quite wild with brown trout reacting to cicadas and mouse flies. (Cont. scroll↓)

翔平の見事なグリーンバック・ブラウン。グリーンの背中と見事な青銀色の頬っぺたに注目。 Shohei’s gorgeous greenback brown. Note his green back and blue-silver cheeks.
海外でのフライフィッシングを成功させるために最も大事なこと? その答えは至って簡単だ。その場所を知り尽くした最高の腕利きガイドを見つける事。で一旦、“この人”と決めたら、まずはその人との絶対の信頼関係を構築することが極めて大事で、実は釣行に出る前の問い合わせの時点で既に釣りの成功の成否はかなり決まってしまっていると言っていい。ガイドさんもこちらの実力を測りながら引き出しの中のどの場所か、テクニックか、魚か、を提供するのかを見定めようとしている。フライフィッシングガイドは元々釣りが死ぬほど好きな人種であり、釣り場では下手をするとお客さんよりももっとターゲットの魚を仕留めたいと思っている。彼らはこれから起こるかもしれない成功体験を自分の手でなく、お客さんの手に委ねているのだ。狙った魚が獲れた時、それはガイドにとっての喜びでもあり、そして彼らの次のモチベーションに繋がる。日本でもしこの喜びをフライフィッシャーと分かちあえるガイドさんがもっともっと増えれば、日本のフライフィッシングは必ずしや活況を取り戻すことになり、貴重な魚を守ることに繋がるだろう。お客としての釣り師は、プロのガイドさんから極めて多くの価値ある技術と知識を学ぶことになる。そして、ガイドさんは収入を得、地域経済にも少なからず貢献する。ガイドさんは自分のカバーする自然と魚を全霊を掛けて守ろうとする。これが西欧で釣り場のサステイナビリティを長期に渡って維持し続けられている大事な要因の一つだ。残念ながら釣りをコスパの良否だけで語ってしまう時には、その釣り場と国は既に衰退を迎える道を辿っていることになる。(↓に続く)
I thought long and hard about who would be the best guide to ensure the best possible outcome.
The most important thing to succeed in fly fishing overseas? The answer is quite simple. Find the best guide who knows the place inside and out. Once you’ve decided on “this person,” the next crucial step is to build an absolute relationship of trust. In fact, the success or failure of the fishing trip is often largely determined at the stage of initial inquiries, even before setting out. The guide, too, is assessing your skill level and deciding which locations, techniques, and fish to share.
Fly fishing guides are, by nature, people who are absolutely passionate about fishing—so much so that, on the water, they may even want to land the target fish more than their clients do. They entrust the potential success of the experience not to their own hands, but to those of the client. When the targeted fish is caught, it is not only a joy for the angler but also a source of motivation for the guide.
If more guides in Japan could share this joy with fly fishers, the sport would surely regain its vibrancy, leading to better conservation of precious fish species. As clients, anglers gain invaluable skills and knowledge from professional guides, while guides earn a livelihood and contribute to the local economy. Guides dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to protecting the nature and fish populations within their domain. This is one of the important factors that have maintained the sustainability of fishing spots in western countries for a long time.
Unfortunately, when fishing is discussed purely in terms of cost-performance, it signals that both the fishing grounds and the country are already on the path to decline.(Cont. scroll↓)

私の釣ったグリーンバック・ブラウン。This another greenback brown trout I caught.
北海道で生まれ育ち、そこで子供の頃から釣りを鍛えて来た翔平に、私はとんでもなく素晴らしいポテンシャルを見い出してきた。実は、私は彼との縁は、私のアメリカ人の親友、Bill Akataを通してだった。Billが病気で亡くなる前に、最高の男を紹介すると私に言って、翔平の名前を私に託したのであった。翔平は私より、30歳近く下。釣りに対しての情熱は半端じゃなくあり、フライフィッシングに対する知識とノウハウ、ヴィンテージタックルに対する知識も桁外れのレベル。日本のフライフィッシングにとって非常に貴重な人在だ。私自身、彼からはあまりにも多くのことを学ばせてもらってきた。そして、私をいつも近しい友人として、接してくれている。ありがたい話で、今度は私が彼にお返しする番だと思ってきた。彼には早い内に彼がまだ未経験だったNZでの釣りと、ボーンフィッシュの釣りを経験させなくてはならない、と思った。
- 背中がグリーン、ほっぺたが青銀色の通称 ”グリーンバック・ブラウン” のトロフィーフィッシュを釣ること。
- シートラウト(降海性ブラウン)を釣る可能性を見極めること。
- NZでは殆ど普及していないスペイフィッシングがいかに成立するのかを確かめること。
今回の日記では、上記の中で、”1. グリーンバック・ブラウン” と ”2. シートラウト(降海性ブラウン) “ を紹介したい。(↓に続く)
Now that I had narrowed down the location and selected a guide, and my envisioned fishing scenario was complete, I picked up the phone to call my best fishing buddy in Japan, Shohei.
“I’ve been thinking—if there’s anywhere in New Zealand that still holds traces of its past glory, this might be it. I’ve secured the best guide in the area. Want to come along?”
Without much hesitation, he simply replied, “Yes, I’d love to go.”
I had always seen incredible potential in Shohei, who was born and raised in Hokkaido and honed his fishing skills there from a young age. In fact, my connection with him came through my close American friend, Bill Akata. Before Bill passed away from illness, he told me he had someone amazing to introduce, and he entrusted me with Shohei’s name.
Shohei is nearly 30 years younger than me, but his passion for fishing is on another level. His knowledge and expertise in fly fishing, as well as his deep understanding of vintage tackle, are truly exceptional. He is an invaluable figure for the future of Japanese fly fishing. Personally, I have learned an immense amount from him, and he has always treated me as a close friend. I was deeply grateful for that, and I felt it was my turn to give back. I knew I had to take him to experience fishing in New Zealand, which he had never done before, as well as introduce him to bonefishing.
For this trip to New Zealand, Shohei and I had set the following goals:
- Catch a trophy “Greenback Brown”—a brown trout with a green back and blue-silver cheeks.
- Assess the potential for catching sea-run brown trout (sea trout).
- Test how Spey fishing—still relatively uncommon in New Zealand—could work on rivers.
In the end, we were incredibly successful in every respect, which to me was a miracle.
In this diary I’d like to introduce two of those achievements:
1. The Greenback Brown 2. The Sea Trout (Sea-Run Brown Trout) (Cont. scroll↓)
NZのブラウントラウトはヨーロッパ原産で、タスマニア島に最初に定着したイギリス原産のものがニュージーランドに1867年に初めて移入された。 a)ブラウントラウトは通常明るい銀色ボディに黒点のあるもの、あるいは銀色ボディの黒点が白枠で縁取られているもの、b) 背中がグリーン、頬っぺたが青銀色の通称グリーンバックと言われるもの、 c) 背中がブラック、シルバーボティに黒点の通称ブラックバックと言われるもの d) 黄金色で、黒と朱点が白の縁取りされているもの。以上の4つのバリエーションに釣り師は見分けていて、a)タイプはほぼ間違いなく降海した個体。私は今回、幸運にもこいつと巡り合うことができた。 b)と c)はかなりの確率で一回降海したことのある個体。但し、川に戻ってからかなり日数経ている。降海型は、ブラウントラウトの変種と生物学者は結論づけている。d)は日本の中禅寺湖など、一般的に見られる淡水での居付きの個体。
With a few exceptions, rivers in NZ are generally free of dams and weirs that could cause catastrophic damage to the ecosystem. This means that trout always have the option to migrate to the sea, which is why sea-run brown trout (sea trout) exist, and although extremely rare, there are also sea-run rainbows (steelhead).
New Zealand brown trout are native to Europe, originally from Britain, where they first settled on the island of Tasmania, and were first introduced to New Zealand in 1867.In NZ anglers generally categorize them into four variations:
a) The typical bright silver-bodied brown trout with black spots, or one with black spots edged in white. This time I was lucky enough to come across this.
b) The “Green-back,” which has a green-back and blue-silver cheeks.
c) The “Blackback,” which has a black back, a silver body, and black spots.
d) The golden-colored type with black and red spots edged in white, commonly seen in freshwater lakes like Japan’s Lake Chuzenji.
Type (a) is almost certainly a sea-run fish. Types (b) and (c) have likely gone to the sea at least once but have been back in the river for some time. Biologists classify sea-run brown trout as a distinct variant. Type (d) is the resident freshwater type commonly found in lakes and rivers.
The rainbow trout introduced to New Zealand in 1883 is said to have originated from a steelhead strain brought from California. However, in New Zealand, rainbows rarely migrate to the sea.
By the way, this is not widely known, but in the past, Hokkaido received an introduction of a top-class steelhead strain from Canada. Because of this, Hokkaido has actual steelhead, and even today, there are rainbow trout with exceptional proportions.However, the Canadian government banned the export of this valuable genetic strain long time ago, meaning there is no way to replace them in Japan. As residents of Japan, it is our responsibility to protect the remaining population.
In NZ’s South Island, rainbows were also introduced, but they could not compete with the dominant and resilient brown trout. As a result, the South Island now has an overwhelming majority of brown trout, with rainbows being rare. However, on this trip I was fortunate enough to catch a rare wild rainbow trout that my guide had never seen in that river in his 30 years of guiding.
During this trip, I caught a brown trout that had undoubtedly gone to sea but had not been back in the river for too long—essentially a sea trout. The intensity of its fight was unreal. As soon as I hooked it, the fish made a blistering 50-meter sprint upstream against the strong current, then suddenly clung to the bottom as if taking a brief rest. But just as I thought it had settled, it launched into a furious 100-meter dash downstream. I had no choice but to run along with it over the rocky, uneven riverbank, struggling to keep my balance. I even took a fall once, but after a grueling 14-minute battle, I managed to land it.
Honestly, both the fish and I were utterly exhausted, but when it finally slid into the net, I was stunned—it looked almost like an Atlantic salmon.
I was using a 4X leader, and to be frank, I thought landing it was impossible. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime fish that I’ll never forget. (The first photo in this article.)
The two photos following the first sea-trout in this article show the stunningly beautiful green-backed brown trout that Shohei and I caught.The deep green on its back and the blue-silver sheen on its cheeks are beyond words—truly magnificent.It may have even ventured to the sea in the past.They also reacted perfectly to a cicada fly. (End)

NZで典型的なストーキング・スタイル。これでもしょっちゅう魚に察知されてしまう。A typical stalking posture in NZ. Even with this style, the trout often notice the angler and sprint away.