4-28-2023: Scroll down for English

⚫︎ 昨日モロカイ島での釣りを終えた後のオハフ島行き3時発帰宅便は、悪天候のため空港で7時間待たされた挙句、キャンセル。急遽ホテル探しで電話しまくるも拉致開かずで、10時と言うのに夕食にもありついていない。で、最後の手段、どうせ明日またモロカイ島に戻ってくるので、急遽就寝中の私のガイドCaptain Clayを叩き起こして彼の家に転がり込むことにした。で、無事モロカイ2日目を迎えることになった! Yeah!



さて、今日の釣りは最高のコンディションの中、ボーンフィッシュ2本獲ったとは言え集中力を失って惨めな釣りをしてしまった。裸眼視力1.0は正常でも乱視がかなり進んでいたことに気付いた時には後の祭り、30〜50ヤード先のボーンのテーリングの動きが正確に追えず致命的ハンディを負ってしまった。ボーンを見つけるスピードが致命的に遅くなり、獲れるべき魚の半分をしくじった。中でも2匹続けてボーンが私のフライをロックオン後に、途中でUターン。リーダーを チェックしたら、12フィートのリーダーの中間部がキンクしていたのだ。キンクしたリーダーが作る不自然な水流、それだけでボーンは異常を簡単に察知する。ボーンの野生はそれだけ研ぎ澄まされていると言うことだ。Yusukeに言わせると、これでもオハフのボーンよりはずっと釣り師に寛大だと言う。


一方、Yusukeは、流石に釣り慣れている。最後のフラットでついに10ポンド丁度をゲットした。Great job, Yusuke!


⚫︎ My return flight scheduled to return to Honolulu at 3pm was canceled due to the bad weather after waiting for 7 hours at the airport. No matter where I called the hotels the reception desks were all closed at that time. It was 10pm and I hadn’t even eaten dinner. What a heck! I would be returning to Molokai again tomorrow anyway, so as a last resort, I hurriedly woke up my guide, Captain Clay, who was in his bed, and rolled into his house. So, I was able to welcome the second day of Molokai safely! Yeah!

On the second day, I invited Yusuke to Molokai, a local fly fisherman on Oahu who goes to Bonefishing almost every day. In fact, most of the Bonefishing freaks who chase Bones in Oahu every day don’t come to Molokai.

But if you ask me, the odds of catching a double digit (10+ pounders) are 10 times higher in Moloka’i than in Ohahu. I’ve fished Bone in several places in the past including Florida Keys, Bahamas, Cayman, etc. After all I came to the conclusion that the next world record Bone could come from this island. So now I only focus on Moloka’i and Oahu these days when I fish for Bonefish.

Well, my fishing today was miserable even though fishing was in the best condition and I caught 2 Bonefish.

I realized that my astigmatism had progressed badly, which was a big handicap because I could not accurately follow the tailing movements of the Bones 30 to 50 yards away. My Bone-finding speed was fatally slowed, and I botched half the fish I was supposed to catch. Among them, 2 Bones in a row locked on my fly and made a U-turn on the way. When I checked the leader, the 12-foot leader had a kink in the middle. The unnatural water flow created by the kinked leader, Bone can easily detect anomalies. It is to say that Bone’s wildness has been sharpened to that extent. According to Yusuke, even this is far more generous to anglers than the Bones in Oahu.

Reflection this time. Until next time, get prescription polarized glasses to correct astigmatism!

Yusuke, on the other hand, is so used to fishing Bone. Finally he got a double digit on the last flat we fished. Great job, Yusuke!

It’s Hawaii’s best season of the year right now, and we could fish the best tide for Bone. Regardless, I couldn’t be happier.