12-1-2024: Scroll down for English

家の本箱を整理していたら、学生時代にイギリスのチョークストリームに釣りに行った時の写真が出て来た。 45年前の写真だ。それらの写真に見入っている内に、沸々と当時の思い出が昨日の出来事のように頭の中を駆け巡って行った。 川は、イッチェンとテストと言う英国のチョークストリームの名門。 当時の学生の分際では、これらの川の一頭地のプライベートセクションへのアクセスが許されるわけもなく、多分、ロンドンのハーディー・ブラザーズが特別にアレンジしてくれたのだと思う。ヘイ大佐が我々の面倒を見てくれたのをはっきりと覚えている。





その碑の上にある荘厳なステンドグラスは、思わず見入ってしまうものだった。これらのものは、1912年、第一次大戦前にイギリスとアメリカのフライフィッシャーが、寄贈したものだ。 ステンドグラスの一角には、アイザック・ウォルトンが川原で読書に耽る姿と共に、彼による有名な言葉「Study to be quiet.:静かなることを学べ」 、が描かれている。 もう一つの一角には、、親友のチャールス・コットンと釣り談義をしている姿が、聖書の一節(テサロニケ人への手紙1、5章18節) 「In everything give thanks.:全ての事において感謝しなさい」 、と共に描かれている。ステンドグラスの中段には、聖人セント・ピーターがブラウントラウトを捧げている。 私は一眼レフカメラでそれらの写真をひたすら夢中で撮りまくったのだった。


While sorting through my bookshelf at home, I came across some photos from my student days fishing the streams in England. These were photos from 45 years ago. As I was looking at those photos, memories of those days came rushing through my mind as if they had happened yesterday. The rivers were the most prestigious chalk streams in England, Itchen and Test. As a student, I couldn’t have been granted access to a special private section, so I think Hardy Brothers in London arranged it for us. I distinctly remember how well Colonel Hay looked after us.

As I traced my memory further, a scene came to mind of someone, presumably Colonel Hay’s family, serving us afternoon tea with biscuits on a lawn on the bank of the River Test.

Colonel Hay: “Hiro, Since you’ve come to Winchester, you should see the Winchester Cathedral. Izaak Walton is buried there.”

So, on Sunday, when the Itchen and Test are closed, we decided to go to the Cathedral. We followed the sound of bells ringing out across the town early in the morning and found the cathedral, less than 30 minutes away from the Itchen and Test.

In the east corner of the cathedral is Silkstede Chapel, in one corner of which is a magnificent window of stained glass known as the Izaak Walton Window, and in the crypt in front of which Izaak Walton is laid to rest. I looked closely at my photo, and found it says, “Here resteth the body of Mr. Izaak Walton, who dyed the 15 of December 15, 1683.”

The magnificent stained glass on top of the monument was captivating. These items were donated by British and American fly fishers in 1912, before World War I. In one corner of the stained glass, Izaak Walton is depicted engrossed in reading a book by the river, along with his famous words, “Study to be quiet.” In another corner, he is talking about fishing with his best friend Charles Cotton, along with the verse from the Bible, “In everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians: 5:18).” In the middle section of the stained glass, Saint Peter is offering a brown trout. I became obsessed with taking photos of these scenes with my SLR camera.

I am truly grateful for the good fortune of having had the opportunity to be exposed to this culture, the origins of fly fishing, during my impressionable teenage and twenties.