11-15-2022: Scroll down for English

先週FFI(Fly Fishing International)の年会、Virtual Expoのオンライン・セミナーが開催され、私は、シングルハンド・スペイキャスティングを題目とする2つのオンライン・セミナーに参加した。一つはRick WilliamsとRuss Carpenterによるもの。もう一つはMark HuberとBruce Williamsによるもの。それぞれ同じ主題をどうまとめるのか?何を言うのか?ひじょうに興味があった。

で、まずは深夜1時から3時のRick WilliamsとRuss Carpenterの講義。Rick Williamsはアメリカのスペイキャスティング界を長年リードする重鎮であるだけに、一つ一つの言葉に含蓄と重さがある。で、私はセミナーの最後に彼に質問した。「スペイキャスティングのハウツー物の教材は、昨今巷に溢れているのだけど、これをどう教えるかの方法論を語る人は殆どいないですよね。ネタが殆どない。何かアドバイスをいただけないですか?」

Rickは、「Hiroは、今のスペイのティーチング現状問題のど真ん中を突いて来ましたね。確かにそうなのだけど、それなら、Simon Gawesworthの“Single-Handed Spey Casting (Second Edition)”を参考にしたらどうですか?」と返して来た。

私はこの本を読んでいなかった。そもそもスペイキャスティングを文章で理解するのは不可能に近いと思って来たし、同じSimon Gawesworthの名著と言われる「Spey Casting」と言う本は持ってはいるが、はっきり言って読んでも分からない、がその率直な感想だった。翌日、“Single-Handed Spey Casting (Second Edition)”が、私の家にAmazonから届けられた。


題目は、“Single-Handed Spey Casting”だけど、この書は、ダブルハンドの教本として読んでも同等の価値が私にはあった。Spey Castingの真髄がひじょうに微細に解り易く、多くの写真とともに説明されている。次の一節を読んだ時、アンカーの真髄を一言でこう表現出来るのか?深い!Wow!!と思った。



Rick Williams、ありがとう!あなたのお陰で、今まで読んだスペイキャスティングの教本の中で私にとって、最高の一冊に出会うことが出来ました。

Last week, FFI (Fly Fishing International) annual meeting, Virtual Expo online seminar was held.   I joined 2 online seminars focusing on the same subject “Single-handed Spey Casting”. One by Rick Williams and Russ Carpenter and the other one by Bruce Williams and Mark Huber. I was very interested to see how do they present the same theme differently?

First, I attended a lecture by Rick Williams and Russ Carpenter from 1 to 3am in the morning. Rick Williams has been a leading figure in the American Spey Casting for many years, so every word has connotations and depth that I can learn from.

I asked him at the end of the seminar. “There are a lot of “how-to” materials for Spey Casting these days, but there are almost no people who talk about the methodology of how to teach Spey Casting. Please give me some materials for it!”

And Rick replied to me, ” Hiro, you’re noticing a hole in the current Spey casting circumstances. That’s true, so why not refer to Simon Gawesworth’s ‘Single-Handed Spey Casting (Second Edition)’?”

I had never read this book before. In the first place, I thought it was almost impossible to understand Spey Casting in writing. I have a book “Spey Casting”, which is said to be a masterpiece by Simon Gawesworth, but frankly, I couldn’t understand the essence of Spey Casting that much even after reading it. The next day, “Single-Handed Spey Casting (Second Edition)” was delivered to my house by Amazon.

And I was completely knocked out! Fantastic! A gem of a book!

Although the title is “Single-Handed Spey Casting,” this book was equally valuable to me to understand Two-handed Spey Casting. The essence of Spey Casting is very detailed and easy to understand, and explained with many pictures.

The following passage expresses the essence of the anchor in one sentence! “If you are really, really good at this and have the perfect touch (making D loop), the line tip is not the pirouette; the fly is.” This is so deep! Wow! In other words, when forming a D loop in your Single Spey cast, the end tip of the anchor = fly, just turn the head of fly to the caster side but stays in the same position. This also leads to the Scandinavian style Underhand Spey Casting “Leader Touch Anchor Concept”, which means although the essence of Spey casting style is different, the substance is the same.

Thank you, Rick! Thanks to you, I’ve come across one of the best Spey Casting textbooks I’ve ever read.