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私がニューヨークに住んでいた頃は、スペイフィッシングは、もっぱらカナダのケベックGaspé郡のアトランティック サーモンに行っていたのだけど、年間1回行くのがやっとだった。この程度の釣行頻度だと極めて奥深く多様性に溢れるスペイの釣り勘は充分に身につかなかった。しかし、日本に戻ってからは、世界に誇れる北海道という素晴らしいスペイフィッシングのフィールドがあるのを知り、自分にとってここでの釣りは徐々に興味から情熱へと変わっていった。狙いはイトウ、アメマス、そしてスチールヘッドを含むレインボー。自分にとって北海道のスペイフィッシングは、シーズン中は毎月行くことになる。
Jock Scottの本は、スペイの釣りの基本をまず押さえるのに向く。また彼がオリジネーターとなっている名作のクラシックサーモンフライのパターンは、知っておかなくてはならない。内容の濃さでは、Hugh Falkusの448ページの大作本。英語本に挑戦出来る人には必読本!昨年刊行されたRick Kustichの本は、近年圧倒的な進化を見せているSink Tip, Sinking Leaderについて触れている点が大きい。
⚫︎Jock Scott 1935年刊 “Greasedline Fishing for Salmon”
⚫︎Hugh Falkus 1984年刊 “Salmon Fishing a Practical Guide”
⚫︎Rick Kustich 2023年刊 “Modern Spey Fishing”
既にシーズンインですが、まだスペイ フィッシングを学ぶ時間がある方は、これらの本はお勧めです。 間違いなく価値があります!
When I lived in New York, I mainly went Spey fishing for Atlantic Salmon in the Gaspé region of Quebec, but I could only go once a year. Going Spey fishing in this frequency was not enough to acquire a very deep and varied sense of Spey fishing for me. However, after returning Japan, I learned that Hokkaido is a great place for Spey fishing, and gradually fishing there turned from an interest to a passion. The targets are Taimen, White-spotted Char, and Rainbow including Steelhead. Now for me, Spey fishing in Hokkaido has become a one-week trip that I go every month during the season.
The basics of Spey fishing were developed in England 200 years ago. Spey casting is a hot topic these days, but there are not many books that discuss this fishing method. Atlantic Salmon and Steelhead in particular have different fish habits and therefore different approaches. The characteristics of large river Taimen resemble the delicate behavior of Atlantic Salmon. On the other hand, that of the White-spotted Char resemble Steelhead in the late fall season. There is so much to learn to fish these two fish.
If I were to recommend reference books for studying Spey fishing other than casting, I would recommend the following three books.
⚫︎”Greasedline Fishing for Salmon” by Jock Scott published in 1935
⚫︎”Salmon Fishing a Practical Guide” by Hugh Falkus published in1984
⚫︎”Modern Spey Fishing by Rick Kustich” published in 2023
Jock Scott’s book is perfect for getting started on the basics of Spey fishing. Also, we must know the many famous classic Salmon fly patterns that he was the originator of. In terms of depth of content, Hugh Falkus’s 448-page masterpiece. This is a must-read book, so I would recommend you to buy it while it’s still available! Rick Kustich’s book published last year makes a big deal about the overwhelming evolution of the line in recent years, especially the Sink Tip and Sinking Leader.
It’s already season, but if you still have time to learn Spey fishing with books, I recommend these books. Definitely worth it!