6-17-2022: Scroll down for English





ただ、スチールヘッドの定義とは何であろう? カナダの太平洋側の河川に入ってくる奴は、多くは銀色が強く、鮮やかなレッドバンドを持ち、レインボーと違って体側の黒点がレッドバンドより下には無い個体が殆ど。ガイドの翔平の説明によると「本来のスチールヘッドの定義はアラスカとロシアのカムチャツカ半島に挟まれたベーリング海を回遊した後に母川に戻るもの」だと言う。彼は中々の博学である。この定義に基づき、純正スチールヘッドはカナダ、アメリカ西部、東ロシアにはいる。



翔平曰く「真崎さん、このスチール、来週来てももういませんよ。海からこの川に上がってきて、セミやバッタを荒食いした後に、数日でいつも直ぐに海に戻っちゃうんです。だから、今日この川にスチールヘッドが差していた話自体が、誰にも知られずに通り過ぎて行くんです。」 これは我々3人だけが見た幻影だったのか? 井津さんと私にとって生涯に一度あるかないか、と言うタイミングに遭遇した訳だ。



River Freakの高丸翔平と曽我亮に心から感謝。

そして天国から背中を押してくれたBill Akataに感謝。

Normally, once I start fishing, I don’t look aside and put all my concentrations into fishing at that time, but when I was fishing in the Teshio River this time, another thought was running in my head.

I got the information that Steelhead have just entered a certain river. Actually, the day before, while I was fishing for Taimen, my friend Keno was holding a fish that seemed to be a Steelhead!

Steelhead in Japan?! It reminded me a story of 40 years ago, when I was a student, Ken Sawada said to me, “When I saw a fish dried in the sun at the river mouth in Iwate prefecture, I identified a Steelhead in there!” To be sure I went to the river the following year, but I couldn’t get the answer to know the truth since I was stuck for 3 days there disturbed by the early spring milky water.

Anyone who knows the fact that there is a Steelhead in Hokkaido knows.

But what is the definition of steelhead? Unlike the Rainbow Trout Steelhead enter the rivers on the Pacific side of Canada tend to have shinier silver color, vivid red color side bands, the black dots on the body side don’t go below the red band towards the belly. According to the Shohei, the definition of Steelhead is the one migrate around the Bering Sea between Alaska and the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia and then return to the mother river. Based on this definition, genuine steelheads are seen in Canada, the Western United States, and the Far East Russia.

So what about Hokkaido? It is unclear if this Rainbow Trout does the migratory trip to the Bering Sea, but it’s the truth that there is sea-run Rainbow Trout in Hokkaido.

When I heard the story that Kenro caught possible Steelhead yesterday, my heart was beating.

Steelhead in the river don’t stay in the river for long periods of time, maybe just only a week. So, this can be a once in a lifetime chance! Whether I want to bet on the Teshio’s Taimen as it is, or bet to target on Steelhead for only 3 hours? My odds were leaning towards the latter.

The results are as shown in this video and photos. Both Kenro and I caught the ones close to 26 inches. The red bands on his cheeks and body sides are thick and vivid, and they have huge fins. Their chest fins have black dots also, which are clearly different from a normal Rainbow. There is reason for Shohei to call this Steelhead with a confidence. He has a friend in a local fishery association and once in a while they have witnessed Steelhead caught by the net set in the river mouth facing the ocean.

Shohei says, “Masaki-san, this Steelhead won’t be in this river next week. After coming up from the sea to this river and eating tons of cicadas and grasshoppers, they always return to the sea in a few days. So, the story of the Steelheads in this river we saw today would be faded out without anyone else knowing. Was it only a vision seen by Kenro and me?

On the last day, Kenro’s wife caught a Rainbow Trout that easily exceeded 24 inches (photo). It was easy to tell that this fine Rainbow was not Steelhead.

It was definitely a once in a life time dream week for us.

A big thank you to Shohei Takamaru and Ryo Soga of River Freak.

And thanks to Bill Akata for pushing us back from the heaven.