これが唯一残っている逃がした魚の証跡。2Xストロングのフックをへし曲げて去って行った。This was the only evidence left by the lost fish. He bent the 2X Strong hook and walked away.
6-10-2024: Scroll down for English)
1時間半の時間が経過したある一瞬、その魚がいるはずの地点の真上の水面が突如割れた。続いて私のPezon et Michelの6番バンブーロッドを根元からへし曲げてロッドティップが水面に吸い込まれると、目の前3メートルの水面に銀色のボティとピンクに輝く帯をまとった巨体が閃光を放ちながら横切って行った。リーダーは12ポンド、フックは2Xストロング。5分ほどしてこいつは獲れる!と思ったので早目の手仕舞いが正解と考え、ハイプレッシャーをかけた。何度も目の前をその魚が往復する姿を見ながら距離は徐々に縮まり、翔平のランディングネットに奴の頭が10cm入った。しかし、想定通りネットを嫌がり再度遁走して対岸に突っ走って行った。3度目のランディング体制に入った時、フライは空を切って私の手元に降って来た。リグを確認すると2Xフックは見事に伸ばされていた。
もっと時間を掛けるべきだった、ファイティング中の口のフッキングポイントをもっと注意深く観察してプレッシャー量を詳細に調整する戦略的なファイティングプランを持っておくべきだった、、、。 翔平は、「あいつの目はまだまだ生気に漲っていましたよ。」と言った。反省と共に強烈な落胆に肩が落ちた。
I know of a several rivers in Hokkaido where just being in the river my soul can be healed from the core and can immerse myself in the great nature while facing with fish.
My friend Shohei, who has excellent underwater dynamic vision, spotted a huge fish motionless at the bottom of a stream about 4 feet deep in the dark, under cover, at around 10:30 in the morning. I also turned my eyes to the dark and soon spotted it. It was a male fish about 30 to 32 inches. I immediately realized that it was not a Cherry salmon and was most likely a Steelhead. He was in this river after all.
A perseverance battle between me and the fish began. I couldn’t see the fish from the angle where I was standing, but I swung a fly over the fish a hundred times very carefully not to spook him, as my fly was supposed to cross in front of him. I believed that he would definitely open its mouth when the fly was delivered within 4 inches of his mouth.
One and a half hours later, the water surface directly above the spot where the fish was supposed to be suddenly broke out. Next, my Pezon et Michel 6 weight bamboo rod tip was sucked into the water, and the giant crossed the water 10 feet in front of me, emitting a silver and pink flash from the side. The leader was 12 pounds, and the hook was 2X strong. After about 5 minutes, I thought I could catch it. So, I thought it would be better off finishing the battle quickly and applied high pressure. As I watched the fish go back and forth in front of me many times, the distance gradually decreased, and its head entered Shohei’s landing net 4 inches deep. However, as expected, he hated the net and ran away again, running to the opposite bank. When I was in position to land him for the third time, the fly cut through the air and fell into my hand. I checked the rig and the 2X hook was solely extended.
I should have taken more time, I should have had a strategic fighting plan by observing the hooking point of the mouth more carefully during the fight and adjust the amount of pressure in detail… ” His eyes were in still full of life,” Shohei said. My shoulders slumped in deep disappointment along with remorse.
But there will still be plenty of chances in the near future. Hokkaido is the place with that generosity.、