5-4-2024:Scroll down for English
今回の旅では、藤田さんに弟子入りするべく 3日間釣行を共にしていただいた。氏のご自宅から釣り場へのアクセスは10分以内から。年間200日以上、ほぼ毎日自分のためにスペイフィッシングをされている。スペイキャスティングの超技は以前トーナメントで培ったベースもおありのようだ。釣り場での実力は私の想像を遥かに越える芸術の域に達していた。距離27m先の川の対岸のオーバーハングする倒木の下の影にスイングさせたいレーンを見極めると、その上流10mの岸際ギリギリの枝下に超ナローループでフライを打ち込み、自分の流したいウォーターコラム(最深水層)を完璧にスイングさせてしまう。それも百発百中、スナイパー並みの精度。
そして私への短期集中の特訓が始まった。スイングテクニック、キャスティングテクニックに対して3分おきに檄が飛ぶ。厳しくも心の籠ったひとつひとつの言葉が実に的を得て生きている。自分がスイングの釣りに対して余りに未熟で如何に改善すべき部分が多かったのを思い知らされる思い。「スイングしている時にロッドがラインと一直線だと、得るべき大きな利点を失いますよ。」「モノフィラの ランニングラインにヨレが出て来たら一発でヨリを戻す方法がありますよ。」、等々。
It’s been three weeks since I came to Hokkaido last time. One of the goals of this trip was to tune up my Spey fishing skills.
My first experience with Spey fishing was at the River Dee in Scotland arranged by Hardy Bros. company over 40 years ago, when I was a student. Since then, I have caught Atlantic salmon many times, but I have never been able to make up for my immaturity in swing fishing. This is because there were few opportunities to hone my swing fishing techniques in nearby fishing spots, whether in New York or in Tokyo, where I have lived until now. In the midst of all this, I heard that there is a genius Spey fisherman named Mr. Fujita who has super skills in eastern Hokkaido.
On this trip, I went fishing with Mr. Fujita for three days to become his pupil. The closest fishing spot is within 10 minutes of his home. He goes Spey fishing for himself almost every day, more than 200 days a year. His super skills in Spey casting seem to be based on what he has cultivated in previous tournament casting experiences. His skills at the fishing spot reached the level of art far beyond my imagination. Identifying the swing line in the shadow under a fallen tree overhanging the opposite bank 90 feet away, he casts the fly with lazor sharp narrow loops under a branch 33 feet upstream, right at the edge of the bank, and made it swing perfectly through the water column (deep water layer) he wanted to cast. He did it repeatedly with 100% of accuracy like a sniper.
The short-term intensive coaching for me began. He threw out advice every 3 minutes about my swing and casting techniques. Each word, harsh but heartfelt, was very to the point and lived to the fullest. I was reminded of how inexperienced I was in swing fishing and how many areas I needed to improve. “If the rod positioned straight aligned with the fly line while swinging, you may loose great advantage you could get.” “If the running line of a monofilament starts to twist, there’s a way to straighten it out in one shot.” I spent extremely productive days with Mr. Fujita in Hokkaido in early spring when green buds were budding. Thanks to him, the quality of my swing improved a lot in the end, and the number of bites by White-spotted Sea-run Char to my fly increased significantly as if by magic. I am still far from Mr. Fujita’s level. Naturally, I was given a lot of homework for the next time. My visits to Hokkaido will continue.